The NAC Examination was introduced in Canada specifically to evaluate International Medical Graduates. It consists of a series of stations, each of which assesses a different area of medical expertise.
At each station, a brief written statement introduces a clinical problem and outlines the candidate’s tasks (e.g. take a history, perform a physical examination, etc.). In each station, there is at least one standardized patient and a physician examiner.
You can write your NAC Examination at any centre in Canada. Please note, the NAC is a requirement for the Clinical Assessment Program application. IMGs must complete the NAC prior to the CaRMS application deadline. Please visit the Timeline page for details.
NOTE: Due to the timing of the release of the Fall 2025 National Examination Collaboration (NAC) Examination results, the NAC score will not be used to select candidates for a CAP position in 2025. The NAC score will be reestablished as a CAP requirement in the future. IMGs applying to the CaRMS R-1 Main Residency Match are still required to pass both the NAC Examination and the MCCQE Part 1.