Residency Programs

Programs at UBC that accept IMG residents

There are four programs at the Faculty of Medicine at UBC that accept International Medical Graduates in the first iteration of CaRMS: Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, and Psychiatry.

Family Medicine

The UBC Department of Family Practice offers a two-year Family Medicine Residency Training Program, which is fully accredited by the College of Family Physicians of Canada. Training occurs at 19 principle sites. These sites are distributed widely from locations in the Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley to the Northern and Interior regions of the province of British Columbia.
Residency in Family Medicine

Internal Medicine

The purpose of the program is to provide clinical training of recent graduates to a point where they can undertake independent professional practice as specialists in General Internal Medicine. The program is also designed to provide for the training of highly qualified academic physicians.
Residency in Internal Medicine


The Pediatric Residency Program provides a broad education base, both inpatient and ambulatory. By directly accessing community resources, a resident in Pediatrics will graduate with the confidence and skills to treat children with significant and possibly life-threatening problems.
Residency in Pediatrics


A resident in Psychiatry will experience an integrated program of clinical placements and academic seminars. This program is designed to achieve the goals of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, and the University of British Columbia.
Residency in Psychiatry

New Medical Residency Training Stream

The Province of British Columbia is launching a new medical residency stream in 2024 which will offer up to 20 expanded residency opportunities to Canadian Medical Graduates and International Medical Graduates. This new stream will be in addition to the existing Canadian Medical Graduate (CMG) Stream and international Medical Graduate (IMG) Stream in British Columbia. The specialties that are offering these new residency opportunities in 2024 are Emergency Medicine, Internal Medicine, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Orthopedic Surgery, Psychiatry, Radiology (Diagnostic) and Urology. For more information about the new stream, please refer to the Ministry of Health website. For International Medical Graduates, please be aware that participation in the B.C. IMG Clinical Assessment Program (CAP) is mandatory for all International Medical Graduates applying through CaRMS for first-year residency positions in B.C. As of 2023, the number of CAP positions has increased from 300 to 360 to accommodate the increase in applications for this new stream.

For more information on current IMG stream quotas by discipline please visit: